Heart Septal Defects, VentricularOxygenOximetryPubMed Central Canada (PMC Canada) provides free access to a stable and permanent online digital archive of full-text, peer-reviewed health and life sciences research publications. It builds on PubMed Central (PMC), the U.S. National Institutes of ...
It is also examined how the dominant discourse on poverty, which blames and demonizes the poor, contributes to legitimize, consolidate and reproduce social distances, thus hiding the political and economic nature of inequality, in a context were the latter is basically tolerated....
Gestión de la convivencia y profesores contra corriente, ArtículoThis study has demonstrated greater efficacy of a new percutaneous amethocaine preparation relative to Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthetics (EMLA). Initially, a double-blinded trial was undertaken on each preparation individually ...
摘要: 本文提供有关某些戴尔游戏笔记本电脑电池耗电的说明的信息。详细文章 症状 原因 解决方案 受影响的产品 提供反馈 请选择产品以检查文章相关性 识别您的产品 症状 运行高负载应用程序时电池电量耗尽 一些游戏笔记本电脑 旨在支持 混合电源模...
2. 所有备份服务都需要设置为“禁用”,一旦设置,主机将需要重新启动。 这将释放磁带库或磁带机上的所有保留空间。 3. 从戴尔支持站点下载 ML3 的最新固件更新文件。 4. 运行固件更新文件,记下内容的提取位置。 磁带库固件更新 一.使用 R...
The results reveal the existence of internal and external factors that fall into the decrease of the student register specializing in Computer Science, which are susceptible of intervention by the action of that communityactor pornoInvestigación Y Postgrado...
J., y Villarejo Ramos, A. F. (2007). Un modelo empirico de adaptacion y uso de la web. Utilidad, facilidad de uso y flujo percibidos. Cuadernos de Economia y Direccion de la Empresa, 10(30), 153-180.Sa´nchez-Franco, M.J., Ronda´n, F.J. and Villarejo, A.F. (2007...
The main purpose has been to obtain un intercontinental vision fkom the use of scient$c production in the subject of American History through a periodical publication which is rankedjirst among citations and the impact of its works. Firstly, citing works are studied: the numbers of published ...
Acaiturri, AndreaEstudios De Economía Aplicada
DemocracyCapitalismLiberalismPolitical science PhilosophyThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Primitivo CarbajoGovernment & Democracy