Tourism has become a major economic and social force in the world, brings the growth of economies, the Mexican state of Quintana Roo is known worldwide for a tourist-edge, although very few studies conducted by understand the importance and forms of innovation in the tourism complex. You need...
PERTINENCIA DE LA FORMACIN TCNICA DE NIVEL SUPERIOR EN RELACIN CON LA ESTRATEGIA NACIONAL DE INNOVACIN PARA LA COMPETITIVIDADPertinencia de la formación técnica de nivel superior en relación con la estrategia nacional de innovación para la competitividad, cluster, innovación, formación técnica...
The crisis that the Colombian economy is presently going through and which is extensive to the country members of the Andean Nations Community (Comunidad Andina de Naciones - C.A.N.) has decreased the survival chance of many Small and Medium Enterprises -SMES without alternatives for opening new...