The French had begun cultivating sugar beet during the Napoleonic wars, when the British blocked shipments of cane sugar from colonies such as Martinique and Guadeloupe. When the wars ended, and cane sugar reappeared on the market, most European countries stopped beet production, except for France...
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En 2000 a 6t6 initi6 le projet multidisciplinaire ORCHIDEE destin6 6tudi6 plus particuli~rement cet impact chez les rats m~les captur6s dans trois 6cosyst~mes de la Guadeloupe : un site vierge (A) de. toute pollution environnementale situ6 dans le parc national, un site isoi6 (B),...
Guadeloupe 1,0 0,7–1,4 1,0 0,7–1,4 Guyane 0,4 0,2–1,0* 0,3 0,1–0,8* Haute-Normandie 1,2 1,0–1,5 1,2 1,0–1,6 Île-de-France 0,7 0,6–0,9** 0,7 0,6–0,9*** Languedoc-Roussillon 1,0 0,8–1,2 1,0 0,8–1,2 Limousin 1,3 1,0–1,7 1,...
Although France still held New Orleans, lands west of the Mississippi, and Guadeloupe, it was this defeat and signing of the treaty that marked the first stage of a total abandonment of the New World. France’s foreign policies were a dismal failure; its prestige dramatically sank. ...