M Meybeck, G Marsily de, E Fustec (Eds.), La Seine en son bassin : fonctionnement écologique d’un système fluvial anthropisé, Elsevier, Paris (1998) 〚21〛 W. Lampert Zooplankton research: the contribution of limnology to general ecological paradigms Aquat. Ecol., 31 (1997), pp....
du(ernirdgsheurtn)8.d0e8rL8D08exLcDitaetxiocnita(lteioftn) a(lnedftt)haenddecthaye The electrical properties were measured for ceramic samples. Frequency dependencies of the 33..r33e..aEEl llpeeccattrrtiiccoPPfrrpooeppreemrrttiiieetsstivity as a function of Nd3+ doping level of the...