First page of articledoi:10.1002/hlca.19320150190Cherbuliez EmileRilliet AlbertWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta
Les pièges de la chirurgie en diagnostic et thérapeutique. Erreurs ou Fautes ou Faits présumés tels. Conditions et Limites de la Responsabilité. By Professor E. Forgue and Professor Aimes. 9 1/2 × 6 1/2 in. Pp. 510. 1939. Masson et Cie. Broché, Fr. 90; Cartonné toile, Fr...
The effects of a diet consisting of 10% medium-chain triglycerides (C, C) or 10% homogeneous triglycerides of 6- to 14-carbon chain saturated fatty acids on cholesterol turnover processes were studied in rats using the isotope equilibrium method. Cholesterol absorption was not significantly ...
The infestation in the fertilized plot showed a reduction from 42 to 21%, and in the unfertilized plot there was an increase from 38 to 80%.W. A. SmirnoffJ. Valérocanadian journal of forest research
Imaging differential diagnosis includes: herpetic and paraneoplastic encephalitis, status epilepticus, other immunomediated encephalitis (e.g., anti-NMDA, anti-VGKC) and Alzheimer disease due to the S170F mutation in the presenilin 1 (PS-1) gene. Hyponatremia occurred in 60% of patients and might...
Gli scavi di Pedona (Borgo S. Dalmazzo) e una nuova iscrizione della "Quadragesima Galliarum"ArtículoThe trapping of electrons and styrene cations and anions has been studied in a methylcyclohexane glass by the techniques of deferred luminescence. Radiothermoluminescence curves consist of ...
Copolymerisation parameters were determined for the copolymerizations of the methyl dithioester with styrene and with methyl methacrylate.Rachid HaraoubiaChantal Bonnans-PlaisanceGuy LevesqueR. Haraoubia, C. Bonnans-Plaisance, G. Levesque, Makromol. Chem., 182 , 2409 (1981)...
doi:10.1002/macp.1981.021820904Haraoubia, RachidBonnans‐Plaisance, ChantalLevesque, GuyHüthig & Wepf VerlagDie Makromolekulare ChemieR. Haraoubia, C. Bonnans-Plaisance, G. Levesque, Makromol. Chem., 182 , 2409 (1981)
SPIEZIA Vincenzo (2002), "Vieillissement de la population : gachis humain ou responsabilite sociale ?", Revue internationale du Travail, vol. 141, n° 1-2, pp. 77-121.SPIEZIA, V., «Vieillissement de la population : gachis humain ou responsabilite sociale?», (2002) 141 ...