Its image, both archetypal and also unknown or shrouded in a certain halo of mystery, is found in emblems in great abundance. This study details the different meanings attributed to the pyramid, by means of both a visual and literary review. The visual aspect includes a great w...
PERVIVENCIA DE LA IDEOLOGA EGIPCIA DEL LEN EN LA EMBLEMTICA DE HIEROGLYPHICA DE HORAPOLO. CUATRO EMBLEMAS DE LEONESdoi:10.6035/potestas.6432HIEROGLYPHICSCOURAGEEMBLEMSSENSESHorapolo tries to unravel the already lost meaning of the Egyptian hieroglyphics in his work Hieroglyphica, ...
TRES DCADAS Y TRECE CONGRESOS DE LA SEE: INTERCULTURALIDAD E INTERDISCIPLINARIEDAD DE LOS ESTUDIOS DE EMBLEMTICA (I)doi:10.7203/imago.14.25363CONFERENCES & conventionsTWENTY-first centuryThe origins of the Spanish Society of Emblematics (SEE) go back to the 1st International ...
During the first quarter of the seventeenth century, the genre of emblematic literature took a clear turn towards its more doctrinal aspects, producing a large series of works in this period whose illustrations, which generally exceed the quality of the preceding repertoires, in...