doi:doi:10.2307/1949346PhilosophyThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Bertrand RussellSimon and Schuster,
Matheo, Esteban's brother, was born by caesarian section after 39 weeks of gestation, weighing 3.210 g. His Apgar score was 9.10, 10 at first, third and fifth minutes. The mother's anti-epileptic treatment associated carbamazepine LP 400 mg × 3/day and vigabatrin four tablets of 500 mg...
The percentage linear thermal expansions along the a and c axes at 1173 K are 1.5 and 0.51, respectively. The temperature dependence of the mass density rho of flux-grown GaPO(4) single crystals was evaluated using the volume thermal expansion coefficient alpha(V)...