Pour tous ceux qui aiment la langue française. Son histoire, sa grammaire et son orthographe. Des dictées commentées, des exercices ébouriffants, un florilège de textes d'auteurs, etc.
The following new host records are made: Prosthodendrium (P.) ascidia from Myotis myotis ,: M. oxygnathus and Nyctalus noctula; Pycnoporus heteroporus from N. leisleri and Miniopterus schreibersi; Parabascus semi squamosus from M. schreibersi and Myotis daubentoni; P. duboisi from ...
Moreover, the QN1/QN1/KIAA1009 protein is involved in NGF signalisation pathway during PC12 cells differenciation process. On the whole, these results show that QN1/KIAA1009 prorein is a new key actor of mitosis.Leon, AgnèsBibliogr