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Etude du mécanisme de la formation de phosphates d'énols à partir de composés carbonyles & ([az]+);-halogénés et de trialcoylphosphites EM Gaydou, JP Bianchini Index: Mueller, Hermann; Melder, Johann-Peter; Fessner, Wolf-Dieter; Hunkler, Dieter; Fritz, Hans; Prinzbach, Horst An...
doi:10.1002/zamm.19540340859Neuber, NWILEY‐VCH VerlagZamm ‐ Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics
For every cases, we rely on a procedural approach based on progressive deformation, and eventually, on-the-fly refinement of the geometry just before the rendering stage.doi:10.1016/j.respe.2011.03.029Rivera DíazRoberto Carlogrenoble
Finally, I generalize recent works of Gardner and Zvavitch by improving the concavity of convex measures under different kind of hypothesis such as symmetriesdoi:10.1590/S0034-89102006000200014Zheng YingyingShu QinAnálise Psicológica
doi:10.1112/blms/3.1.110Willmore, T. JOxford University PressBulletin of the London Mathematical Society
A biometrical study of the calyx of 178 flowers ofFittonia vershaffeltiiat all developmental stages has allowed conclusions to be drawn about their morphogenesis. Their various parts grow according to simple allometric relations, and this growth is linked with the cauline plastochron. The equations ...
An important issue in autoimmune diseases mediated by T cells, such as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), is the affinity of the disease-inducing determinants for MHC class II proteins. Tolerance, either due to clonal deletion or anergy induction, is thought to require high-affinity ...
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Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-BasJ. Böeseken