of tablets, coated tablets, capsules, solutions for infusion or ampoules, suppositories, patches, powder preparations which can be employed by inhalation, suspensions, creams and ointments.doi:10.1002/asna.18941360606L. SchulhofAstronomische Nachrichten...
This manuscript is number 266 in the Bibliothèque Municipale of Rennes; it was produced at about the end of the 14th century. After studying the history of the text and its reception, I applied a codicological approach of the manuscript and sixteen other extant manuscripts of the text, made...
La 1ère, télé下载 La 1ère, télé 1284次下载 相似应用,小编亲测可用 Lanerc 40.32MB 查看 lanerc 66.77MB 查看 LaiCam 112.29MB 查看 Labo积木火车儿童应用 143.41MB 查看 版本:1.0.5 La 1ère, télé更新内容 为您优化了体验...
(1986), Douvilé, Jean-Luc, et Catherine Riaux, 1986: Estimation des paramètres fondamentaux de la dynamique d'un estuaire à marées (On the Dynamics of a Tidal Estuary: Estimation of the Principal Factors).–Int Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 71 (1): 65–77.–6 figs., 1 tab., 16 ref. ...
Classroom TechniquesIntermediate GradesLimited English SpeakingLiteracyMetacognitionMiddle SchoolsQuestioning TechniquesReading ComprehensionReading ImprovementReading StrategiesThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )doi:10.1016/S0761-8425(05)85701-8A. De jeaScience...
The stereochemistry of this reaction is not influenced by the structure of the starting sugar but rather is directed by the presence of the C-2 hydroxyl group. The synthesis of epoxide18, obtained by the action of NaH on the bromohydrine17, derived from7, supports the intervention of a ...
Case study of the commune of Saint-Paul, R茅union. Studying the commune of Saint-Paul is interesting, because it is located at the meeting point of two contradictory linguistic tendencies, multilinguism and unilinguism. It is effectively a multilingual and...
Variations of these activities were checked in the transfer cells of the cotyledonary node in the intact or decapitated plant. They were also studied in the shoot apex of both inhibited (G0state) and released cotyledonary buds, during the transitions G1–S orG2–M. The adenylate cyclase ...
doi:10.1002/asna.18961390607First page of articleSchulhofWILEY‐VCH VerlagAstronomische Nachrichten
doi:10.1002/asna.18961402106Charlois, AWILEY‐VCH VerlagAstronomische Nachrichten