This thesis aims at determining the method David Ricardo (1772-1823) used to establish his principles and to draw conclusions about the real world. First, it shows the influence of the works of Dugald Stewart (1753-1828) and of two of his students, James Mill (1773-1836) and Francis ...
Les pièges de la chirurgie en diagnostic et thérapeutique. Erreurs ou Fautes ou Faits présumés tels. Conditions et Limites de la Responsabilité. By Professor E. Forgue and Professor Aimes. 9 1/2 × 6 1/2 in. Pp. 510. 1939. Masson et Cie. Broché, Fr. 90; Cartonné toile, Fr...
Acta Medica ScandinavicaH.-C. Gram
Ashieving profitability through well-organized R&D activity is the ultimate goal of the entire R&D Management field, at last in industrial contexts. In this work, a promising approach to improving the management of R&D, the "Communication Matrix" is suggested, verified through both passive analysis...
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ecocentric.fr的域名年龄为15年6个月26天,注册商为NUXIT,DNS为,,域名更新时间是2024年03月26日,域名过期时间是2025年04月20日,距离过期还有156天。解析出来的IP有:[法国上法兰西格拉沃利讷]。 页面信息 标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符 Ecocentric : Concept-...
Considering transcutaneous skin PO(2), treatment with AEPL in areas of venous microangiopathy is beneficial in the prevention of ulceration and improves skin healing.doi:10.1177/000331970405500602M R CesaroneG BelcaroE IppolitoA RicciM RuffiniM DugallBibliogr...
An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.TroisierJean et BoquienThe Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
André, J. MUniversité Catholique De Louvain Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique (Dir.: G. Leroy) Kapeldreef Egenhoven‐Heverlee (BelgiumDelhalle, JUniversité Catholique De Louvain Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique (Dir.: G. Leroy) Kapeldreef Egenhoven‐Heverlee (BelgiumLeroy, G...