abbreviation for (Telecommunications) laughing out loud Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 LOL Laughing out loud
The study was internally controlled because both the treatments were applied in the same patient—one to each eye. All patients with a mean CMT of 4300 mm underwent grid pattern laser therapy, via a 10-ms-pulse PASCAL (Topcon Medical Laser Systems, Santa Clara, CA, USA) photocoagulation ...
Abbreviation: ERGO, EGT Other Names: Ergothionine, Ergothine, etc. Molecular Formula: C9H15N3O2S CAS Number: 497-30-3 Appearance: White crystals Solubility: Highly soluble in water (0.9 mol/L at room temperature) Discovery and Occurrence Ergothioneine was first discovered in 1909 by Ch...
音源引用Dr.eye譯典通 短網址:複製網址 ladybug ['leidibʌg] n. 瓢蟲 英文解釋: 名詞ladybug: small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests 同義詞:ladybeetle,lady beetle,ladybird,ladybird beetle ...
These scans revealed significant swelling of the MIRAgel surrounding the eye, with a typical imaging appearance of hydrogel fragmentation that consisted of a circumferential orbital mass associated with rim enhancement.14 After reviewing our medical records, 16 patients underwent surgery for RD in our ...
Everything that occurred subsequent to year one is designated A.D., the abbreviation for the Latin phrase Anno Domini,“In the Year of the Lord.” Jesus could not have been born in year one, because Herod died in 4 B.C. He died a horrible death. He desperately sought healing at the...
medical chemists, soil scientists, and practical plant chemists in particular (Jörgensen1935). Its historical roots were primarily in biochemistry, secondarily in industrial chemistry and only tertiary in so-called pure chemistry. According to the British physiologist A.J. Curtin Cosbie (1942), “...
Medical Tubes, X-ray, Bandage, ENT and other medical supplies OPTOMETRIC AND OPHTHALMOLOGY PRO Phoropters, Auto lensmeters, Retinsocopes, Ophthalmoscopes, Trial Lens Set, Combined Units, Eyeglasses Equipments, etc… Online Far Vision Chart
I have never seen this abbreviation used for lines of powder cocaine, and probably never will. There's a great scene in some Woody Allen movie where Woody's character sneezes and disperses kilobucks' worth of coke. A line is also a much more precise unit; it is one twelfth of an ...
Abbreviation 5-Fu A375 A549 AIF AKR1B10 AKT/PKB AMPK ATP Aβ Bax BChE BGC-823 C6 CaMKII Cdc2 Cdc25C CGC CNS CoA CUS DNA DNCB DPP-IV DPT DPT-HP-β-CD DU145 DZR EC50 Fluorouracil Human malignant melanoma Human lung carcinoma Apoptosis inducing factor Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member...