Additional (KVS Tool) = "Guest Value" (SV ALF). ME MEA Middle East Airlines O/CS Business Award W/YS Economy Award O/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AF-SkyTeam] [Awards/DL-SkyTeam] AR Aerolineas Argentinas O/CS Business Award Z Premium Economy Award* X/YS Economy Award T Economy Additio...
Additional (KVS Tool) = "Guest Value" (SV ALF). ME MEA Middle East Airlines O/CS Business Award W/YS Economy Award O/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AF-SkyTeam] [Awards/DL-SkyTeam] AR Aerolineas Argentinas O/CS Business Award Z Premium Economy Award* X/YS Economy Award T Economy Additio...
Value controller=? Controller. The value is in the format of "XA", "XB", "XC", or "XD", where "X" indicates an integer from "0" to "3", for example, "0A" or "1C". Views Developer view Usage Guidelines None Example Query information of all KVS objects on the controller, ...
Value controller=? Controller. The value is in the format of "XA", "XB", "XC", or "XD", where "X" indicates an integer from "0" to "3", for example, "0A" or "1C". Views Developer view Usage Guidelines None Example Query information of all KVS objects on the controller, ...
HGE 1.9 configured with CMake DirectX9 version, with shaders. The classic 1.8.1. version is in the `master` branch if you ever need that. - hge/include/hge.h at master · kvakvs/hge
翻译的定义是 “rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that author intended the text.”这里要强调一下“in the way that author intended the text”。就是要注重作者的写作手法,风格,意图。近代翻译家严复的“信、达、雅”翻译标准高度的表达了翻译的理念。“信”,要使译文准确...
None Example Query Btree path information. admin:/diagnose>kvs obj kvbtreepathinfo 49 2 195 17179869184 1 0 1 *** kvs(49) logicpool(2) btree node path *** ---show brief--- kvId : 77309411328 storeId : 199680 rootId : 28432 rootCrc ...
The following table describes the parameter meanings. Parameter Meaning kvid KV object ID. storeId Btree ID. rootId Btree root ID. rootCrc Btree root CRC value. curLevel Height of a Btree level. Level Betree level of the node. Node Id Node ID. Node Crc Node CRC value. Col...
Meaning storeId Btree ID. nodeId Node ID. nodeType Node type. nodeCrc Node CRC value. nodeSise Total capacity of the node. pfxLen Btree prefix length. nodeHeadSize Node header length. keyNum Number of keys. unusedNodeBodySize Available capacity of the node. Sammlung Dokument...
The following table describes the parameter meanings. Parameter Meaning kvid KV object ID. storeId Btree ID. rootId Btree root ID. rootCrc Btree root CRC value. curLevel Height of a Btree level. Level Betree level of the node. Node Id Node ID. Node Crc Node CRC value. Col...