*Full Kuro no Kiseki II game (sold separately) required to access this content. Please update and install the most recent patch if necessary. *Players who purchase the PS5™ version will be able to download the PS4™ version at no additional charge. ...
*Open [DLC] under the [Item] page in the main menu and select new items to receive them. *After unlocking items, apply them via [Change Holow Core] in the Orbment menu. *Full Kuro no Kiseki II game (sold separately) required to access this content. Please update and install the most...
Download The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki - Free Sample Set Vol.2 Free Download About This Content A set of freebie items.Shining Pom Fruit x1Zelam Powder x1*Can also be obtained in-game.*Open [DLC] under the [Item] page in the main menu and select new items to receive them...
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【更新9.20最新版本】【修复密码错误问题】PC《英雄传说:黎之轨迹 The Legend of Heroes Kuro no Kiseki》中文版下载,这是经典角色扮演游戏英雄传说系列的一部作品,为玩家带来了很多精彩的游戏内容,赶快来关注一下吧。 游戏类型:角色扮演类(RPG)游戏 游戏制作:Nihon Falcom ...
*Open [DLC] under the [Item] page in the main menu and select new items to receive them.*Please note that all items in excess of the maximum amount will be lost.*Full The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki game (sold separately) required to access this content. Please update and ...
*Open [DLC] under the [Item] page in the main menu and select new items to receive them. *After unlocking items, apply them via [Change Holow Core] in the Orbment menu. *Full Kuro no Kiseki II game (sold separately) required to access this content. Please update and install the most...