BruceDai003 / kungfu btcresearch / kungfu BTCTON / kungfu bvrgs / kungfu bw-xu / kungfu Byshx / kungfu-trader bz404 / kungfu bzg246 / kungfu CACppuccino / kungfu caffery / kungfu candidate8828 / kungfu caoxieyu / kungfu CaptainTsao / kungfu CarlSnow / ku...
A kung fu man lives without being dependant on the opinions of others, and a master, unlike the beginner, holds himself in reserve. He is quiet and unassuming, with no desire to show off. —Bruce Lee 17 A kung fu man who was really good was not proud at all. Pride emphasizes the s...
many a lad's bedroom room was adorned with the latest Bruce Lee poster.The 1970s and 1980s saw karate, judo and kung fu clubs sprouting up across the region.And the craze even spawned a number one hit single in 1974 - Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas.But the origins of martial arts...
DNA的mv里还穿着唐装布鞋,有hxd知道吗 分享21 李小龙吧 JQ835265732 【龙腾九天】高校学生自编自导电影《KungFu》致敬最强偶像李小龙不足之处,请多多见谅 00:00· 播放0 分享45赞 帮助吧 CrazyWufangshu 【MTV】KungFu Fighting - Carl Douglas《Kung Fu Fighting》是美国歌手Carl Douglas(卡尔-道格拉斯)的代表...