#资讯# 【KT Cloud与Metabuild合作,推进韩国公私云原生转换项目】据韩联社10月18日报道,今天,KT Cloud 宣布已与人工智能(AI)及数据链接软件公司 Metabuild 签署了关于云原生转换业务的合作协议。 依据该协...
联想KTCloudDesk1000超融合桌面云由联想供应商推出,依托于自主研发的超融合架构、桌面虚拟化及传输协议等多项技术统一集中的资源管理及运维方式操作简单易懂统计及查询功能、性能监测及危机警报功能使企业更高效更安全/更智能。 典型方案配置: 云终端 基于Intel、兆芯和飞腾等平台 桌面云管理软件 KTCloudDesk1000桌面云普理...
진행중인 핫한 이벤트를 확인해보세요! PrevNext 1 / 2 11월 달나라 티켓 2024.10.31 ~ 2024.11.30 상품/서비스 12월 KT 장기고객 초대 이벤트 2024.11.20 ~ 2024.12.14
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We are now in the process of bringing up a new cloud environment. Cloud customers that have been affected will be set up on this new environment. We encourage you to consider remote backup services and explore additional disaster recovery services. Please visit krypt.com or contact your sales ...
01'56 Google Cloud - 'March Madness' - Case Study Gentleman Scholar 00'42 5 ways Gmail makes life easier offline Gmail 谷歌Google 00'34 Milk West: Snack Time - Emergency Room 全球广告搜罗 03'03 Sharp with Scoro - Colour in Motion Project by David Lund broncolor 02'10 FITC Tokyo...
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organizations that Group-IB was able to identify, 114 companies are in the USA. That list also includes companies that are headquartered in other countries but have US-based employees that were targeted. Most companies on the victims’ list are providing IT, software development, and cloud ...