This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of KOWLOON TONG SCHOOL (SECONDARY SECTION). You can find out how to get to KOWLOON TONG SCHOOL (SECONDARY SECTION) below, the nearest bus stops, nearby School....
Define Kowloon. Kowloon synonyms, Kowloon pronunciation, Kowloon translation, English dictionary definition of Kowloon. A city of southeastern China, on Kowloon Peninsula opposite Hong Kong Island. The city was ceded to the British in 1860 as part of the
School Name 学校名稱 DELIA SCHOOL OF CANADA (KOWLOON EAST) (Secondary)地利亞(加拿大)學校-東九龍 (中學) Category 类别 Private Secondary Schools (Day/Evening) 私立中學(日校 / 夜校) Address 地址 ROOMS 104-108 ON 1/F., ROOMS 204-208 ON 2/F., ROOMS 301-308 ON 3/F. & LABORATORY...
Name: MARYKNOLL CONVENT SCHOOL (SECONDARY SECTION) Description: SECONDARY Address: 5 HO TUNG ROAD KOWLOON TONG KOWLOON(How to get to?🚶) Telephone: 852 23362378 Fax: 852 23387943 Website: Remarks: Aided Secondary Schools What are the closest stations to MARYKNOLL CONVEN...
Secondary School Kowloon City District HKBU 8 mins Lok Fu Plaza Carpark 10 mins Franki Centre Car Park 10 mins Kwong Fai Court Location Kowloon Tong, 1 FESSENDEN ROAD Google CentaMap Map Main Estates (30) One Beacon Hill 1 Beacon Hill Road Meridian Hill 81 Broadcast Drive Phoenix Court ...
學校地址SchoolAddress 電話號碼TelephoneNo. 中一自行分配學位數目 No.ofS1DP 228喇沙書院 LASALLECOLLEGE 九龍九龍城喇沙利道18號 18LASALLEROAD,KOWLOONCITY, KLN 23387171 76 229瑪利諾修院學校(中學部) MARYKNOLLCONVENTSCHOOL (SECONDARYSECTION) 九龍九龍塘何東道5號 5HOTUNGROAD,KOWLOONTONG, KLN 23362378 54 23...
HIGHGATE HOUSE SCHOOL - THE PEAK(P.M.) TANG SHIU KIN VICTORIA GOVT SEC SCH HAVEN OF HOPE SUNNYSIDE SCHOOL (SECONDARY SECTION) Advertisement Schools by district Central And Western Eastern Islands Kowloon City Kwai Tsing Kwun Tong North Sai Kung Sha Tin Sham Shui Po Shum Shui Po Southern...
School NetPrimary: 41・Secondary: Kowloon City District 32 College RoadLocation Google Centamap Population Census (2021) Demographics Hong Kong HMA Custom HMA:Kowloon Tong HMA Population: 27,137 Category HMA Female 1,000 Male 632 The above statistics are derived from the 2021 Population Census Sta...
Teaching Assistant (Secondary Section) Yew Chung Education Foundation Limited Hong Kong Support the learning and teaching in our Secondary School for all-round development of an individual or groups of students. 加強您的個人檔案 您的理想職位類型是什麼?* 您的理想職位類型是什麼?* 全職 兼職 長工 ...
construction of a composite school comprising a 30-classroom secondary section and an 18-classroom primary section at Po Kong Village Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon. 黃大仙蒲崗村道 的 1 所私立獨立 學校 向財務委員會建議,批准開立 為數 1 億 7,250 萬元的新承擔 額 ( 按付款當日...