Currently lpc176x, stm32 and rp2040 MCUs are supported. CAN support is currently limited to stm32 F-series and rp2040 devices. Katapult is licensed under theGNU GPL v3. Note: References to CanBoot remain both in the source of this repo and in related projects such as Klipper. Some of ...
很久之前就听过 Canboot,感觉有点绕就一直没仔细研究,后来发现改名了,并且额外支持 USB 和 UART 模式了,不禁让我想起了之前的 MKS Robin 系列主板。看看它的特点: 针对ARM Cortex-M 系列主控芯片的引导程序 支持CANBUS, USB 以及 UART 通讯接口 目前支持 lpc176x, stm32 以及 rp2040 系列主控芯片. CAN 方式...
《开源的哦》rp2040板载驱动3d打印机主板最新版本7.6,voron2.4够用 1898 -- 0:43 App stm32f072的can板150度耐温测试klipper 3d打印机 4814 -- 0:42 App 150尺寸迷你voron2.4真好看-150mm打印尺寸-摆件 1635 -- 0:25 App 500mm尺寸的咕咕机打印可活动盘龙,一条龙打20小时,打印质量很满意/klipper/3d...
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 16c0:27dd Van Ooijen Technische Informatica CDC-ACM class devices (modems) 板载一个 reset 按钮和 FLASH 指示灯,短接boot0和3.3v进入 dfu 模式可以烧录固件(此时 FLASH 灯亮起)。 注意,使用usb供电时,SKing 主板上的 5V 灯不亮,应该是采用了隔离的缘故。正式安装使用时,拔掉 ...
./lib/rp2040/boot_stage2/pad_checksum: interpreter directive changed from "#!/usr/bin/env python3" to "/nix/store/h723hb9m43lybmvfxkk6n7j4v664qy7b-python3-3.11.9/bin/python3" ./lib/kconfiglib/ interpreter directive changed from "#!/usr/bin/env python3" to "/nix...
It has been modified so that it can build outside of the pico sdk. See rp2040.patch for the modifications. The rp2040_flash directory contains a light-weight bootsel flash tool. It uses C part of the the `picoboot_connection` directory found in:
You can now add an adxl.cfg file with the following settings: [mcu adxl] # Change <mySerial> to whatever you found above. For example, # usb-Klipper_rp2040_E661640843545B2E-if00 serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_<mySerial> [adxl345] cs_pin: adxl:gpio1 spi_bus...
CANBus:需要插入 U2C 模块使用,占用一个 USB 接口,和 Fly3D 的 CAN-HAT 相比,好处是 U2C 一个模块两种用法,只需要出一份钱。 板子尺寸以及开孔位置和 RPi3、RPi4 相同的,所以有些结论我也不知道如何得出的:树莓派机械图纸、Pi4b机械图纸 3、软件系统 ...
很久之前就听过 Canboot,感觉有点绕就一直没仔细研究,后来发现改名了,并且额外支持 USB 和 UART 模式了,不禁让我想起了之前的 MKS Robin 系列主板。看看它的特点: 针对ARM Cortex-M 系列主控芯片的引导程序 支持CANBUS, USB 以及 UART 通讯接口 目前支持 lpc176x, stm32 以及 rp2040 系列主控芯片. CAN 方式...
Currently lpc176x, stm32 and rp2040 MCUs are supported. CAN support is currently limited to stm32 F-series and rp2040 devices. Katapult is licensed under theGNU GPL v3. Note: References to CanBoot remain both in the source of this repo and in related projects such as Klipper. Some of...