Ho HC (1978) An epidemiologic and clinical study of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 4: 181 Google Scholar Ho HC (1978) Stage classification of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In: De-Thé G, Ito Y (eds) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Int Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon 33 Go...
Mediziniseho Klinik 199%04:93-100(Nr. 2). 9 Urban& Vogel,Mª Antiphospholipidannk6rpersyndrom 1KfidigerSchmidt I, Ernst-Heinrich Scheuermann ~, Achim Viertel 1, Helmut Geiger1, lnge Scharrer2 93 • Budd-Chiari-Syndrom, rezidivierende Pankreaufiden, intestinale Apoplexie, maligne ...
Kinderklinik der Medizinischen Hoohschule Hannover, 3 Hannover 61, W.-Germanydoi:10.1203/00006450-198012000-00115The effect of transplacental antibody on the immunresponse to Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) normally present in infant formulas was assessed in 15 healthy neonates. Anti-BSA, determined by ...
Kinderklinik der Medizinischen Hoohschule Hannover, 3 Hannover 61, W.GermanyPediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development, extending from molecular biology to epidemiology. Use of model organisms and ...
SUMMARY 4 CASES OF AUTOMUTILATION OF EXTERNAL GENITALS 4 cases of automutilation of external genitals are described in this case report. It is rare injury and more than one half cases are psychopathic patients. In 3 cases injury was performed in the period of psychical decompensation. Replantation...
Bir sonraki a amada ise hastanın ho una giden, kokusu rahatsız etmeyen papates, pirinç, fırında pi irilmi tavuk gö sü gibi midede kolayca sindirilebilen yiyeceklerden, toplam günde 6 ö üne tamamlanacak sıklıkta verilebilir. Tüm bu diyet uygulamaları s...
Ho 摘要: MONOCLONAL IGM GAMMOPATHY:DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS, CLINICALPRESENTATION AND THERAPYIntroduction: One of the commonest incidental findings on routine screening in the elderly is that of monoclonal gam- mopathy. In 20 % of cases the immunoglobulin isotype IgM is found. Methods: Selective ...
Vytvoření parametrického dotazuV Průzkumníkovi řešení vyberte uzel Produkty.V nabídce Projekt klikněte na příkaz Přidat dotaz. Zobrazí se Návrhář dotazu. V okně Vlastnosti vyberte pole Název a zadejte Produkty podle kategorie. V Návrháři dotazu klikněte na...
P. Bumm, Chr. Bannert & M. Honikel Gießen, Deutschland Cite this paper Bumm, P.et al.(1993). Nase I: Klinik. In: Sitzungsbericht. Verhandlungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, vol 1992 / 2. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg....