The relation of total thyroid volume and body surface area is without a significant sex difference 4,5/4,8 ccm/sqm in newborn and about 4.8 ccm/sqm in children aged more than 9 years. Thyroid disorders to be discussed are a cyst, a nodule with an echo-free centre, connatal athyreos...
BV Das frühgeborene Kind更新内容 Version 4 mit vollkommen neuen Design und optimierter Benutzeroberfläche. Zahlreiche neue Funktionen, Korrekturen, und Detailverbesserungen zur Leistungssteigerung. Unterstützt Beacon-Technologie für Bereitstellung lokaler Inhalte, interaktive Kamera-Dienste und...
The article discusses the physics of neutrinos and observation of the visible light generated by interactions of neutrinos with matter. The article discusses the use of ice sheets and water in detecting neutrinos and observatories around world. At the South Pole observatory IceCube, scientists ...