One thing's for sure: Kanye West doesn't do anything by half measures. A Hallmark card, some daisies, and a trip to IHOP? Please. It turns out that no gesture is too grand when it comes to celebrating Kim Kardashian's first Mother's Day. So, what did North West's doting mama ...
图集标签:Kim Kardashian,事业线,光腿,凉鞋,凸点,大腿,白色高跟,短裙,街拍,露趾,黑色服装
只不过,人们看在Kim Kardashian嫁给了黑人的份上,只是选择很有礼貌的提醒她,不要再这样下去。 但Kim Kardashian这次文化挪用的对象是日本传统文化,她在日本没有在美国那样的权势,导致几万网友对她进行了抨击,而且如今事情还在持续发酵中。 而恰恰Kim Kardashian在前几天登上了日本版的Vogue封面,更引起网友的不满,因...
天使爱唱歌联盟 - 美国名媛家族金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)掌门人的奢华衣橱。