Den EU-KI-Gesetz verstehen: Umfang, Anforderungen und Auswirkungen Den NIST-KI-RMF erkunden: Prinzipien, Praktiken und Anwendung. SAIF von Google: Ein Modell für die KI-Entwicklung. ISO 42001: Entwicklung eines KI-Managementsystems Fallstudien Analyse erfolgreicher und herausfordernde...
The findings indicate that while experience harms overeducation, an increase in the education level has a positive effect on overeducation. The study concludes with policy recommendations.KANTARMACI, SelenaDEMROGLARI, SercanERK, HandeDORUK-BRECKL, enay...
破坏我家庭的,你们会得到上天的惩罚,冤枉爷的接待 破坏我家庭的,你们会得到上天的惩罚,冤枉爷的接待 13 老鼠肉搞起来 老鼠肉搞起来 12 好久没搞佤族鸡肉烂饭 好久没搞佤族鸡肉烂饭 12 原生态乡村生活 ,大吉大利今晚吃鸡 原生态乡村生活 ,大吉大利今晚吃鸡 13 转眼就活了38年 转眼就活了38年 6 习惯性崩溃又...
魏国拿下蜀汉时,为何不掘孔明的坟墓呢 导读:孔明作为刘备的得意军师,助其打下了大片江山,然而人算不如天算。刘备一意孤行,想为兄弟向东吴复仇、不料想仇没报到,反而损兵折将,最后自己也被活活的给气死了。 刘备不幸气死后,孔明伤心欲绝,虽然主公是死于孙权之手。但是战略方向没变,还是先攻下魏国、再一举拿下...
Here, we combined signalling molecules with signalling pathways in a double positive circulation regulation model. In addition, we found that LCN2 plays a role in promoting kidney stones through regulation of the ERK signalling pathway and expression of other kidney stone-related genes. LCN2 ...
Here, we combined signalling molecules with signalling pathways in a double positive circulation regulation model. In addition, we found that LCN2 plays a role in promoting kidney stones through regulation of the ERK signalling pathway and expression of other kidney stone-related genes. LCN2 ...