KG-BERT: BERT for Knowledge Graph Completion The repository is modified frompytorch-pretrained-BERTand tested on Python 3.5+. Installing requirement packages pip install -r requirements.txt Data (1) The benchmark knowledge graph datasets are in ./data. ...
BackBone选择BERT,提出KG-BERT模型在预训练好的BERT基础上继续fine-tuning。 Triple Classification 将三元组转换为文本序列模式,转换方法如下图所示: 将实体、关系的名称或描述文本,通过[CLS]和[SEP]进行顺序拼接,喂入KG-BERT中后,获得[CLS]的表征向量,并进行二分类,判断该三元组是否成立。
我们将知识图中的三元组视为文本序列,并提出了一个新的框架,名为知识图双向编码器表示(KG-BERT)来对这些三元组进行建模。我们的方法以三元组的实体和关系描述作为输入,并使用KG-BERT语言模型计算三元组得分函数。 2、相关工作 最近,预先训练的语言模型也在KG的背景下进行了探索。(Wang、Kulkarni和Wang 2018)学习...
Our method takes entity and relation descriptions of a triple as input and computes scoring function of the triple with the KG-BERT language model. Experimental results on multiple benchmark knowledge graphs show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performance in triple classification, ...
python3 --task_name kg --do_train --do_eval --do_predict --data_dir ./data/WN18RR --bert_model bert-base-cased --max_seq_length 50 --train_batch_size 32 --learning_rate 5e-5 --num_train_epochs 5.0 --output_dir ./output_WN18RR/ --gradient_accum...
(KG-BERT) to model these triples. Our method takes entity and relation descriptions of a triple as input and computes scoring function of the triple with the KG-BERT language model. Experimental results on multiple benchmark knowledge graphs show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art ...
BERTScore is an effective and robust automatic metric for referencebased machine translation evaluation. In this paper, we incorporate multilingual knowledge graph into BERTScore and propose a metric named KG-BERTScore, which linearly combines the results of BERTScore and bilingual named entity matching...