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Kanaoka, R. et al. Usefulness of plasma exosomal microRNA-451a as a noninvasive biomarker for early prediction of recurrence and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer. Oncology94, 311–323 (2018). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Fortunato, O., Gasparini, P., Boeri, M. & Sozzi, G. Exo...
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Tinoco, R. et al. PSGL-1 is an immune checkpoint regulator that promotes T cell exhaustion. Immunity 44, 1190–1203 (2016). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Ferber, S. et al. Co-targeting the tumor endothelium and P-selectin-expressing glioblastoma cells leads to a remar...
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S.W. designed the studies, performed the experiments, interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript; S.K. helped characterize ATRA binding to and inhibition of Pin1; L.K., J.G. and M.R. helped design and conduct APL-related experiments; W.L. and Y.Z. determined the Pin1–ATRA co...