Kenwood - KR-6050 - 接收器 回到原文 由Google翻譯翻譯 這些圖片給這個地段留下了很好的印象,並展示了所有的細節。只需一根簡單的電線即可完美地工作,非常靈敏。綽綽有餘,在互聯網上查看規格,60瓦。 •使用原始用戶手冊光學:幾乎像新的,沒有划痕或令人不安的損壞。一件事:在頂部,箔下面出現水泡。我拍了照片。
KT-5020 and KT-6050. Our panelist Bob says, "The Basic T2 came after the KT-9XG, which has a very similar, if not exact same, signal meter display. The T2 appears to be the first Kenwood tuner to use the DLLD. This was a big change point for Kenwood, as the KT-9XG still ha...