超震撼!YouTube红人“砖叔”Ken Block驾驶他有史以来拥有过的最棒战车Mustang Hoonicorn,霸气出演Gymkhana 7漂移大片完整视频大首播!想知道这台搭载V8发动机,爆发出845超强马力的怪兽究竟有多牛逼吗?赶紧来欣赏现实版速度与激情!该视频发布2天点击率狂暴上千万次![花心]LKen Block Mustang Gymkhana 7 极限漂移大片.....
极速漂移大师肯·布洛克KEN BLOCK'S,在旧金山拍的热血城市漂移短片《终极城市乐园》,太帅了!![赞]http://t.cn/RyiUxQI
Need for Speed and Ken Block present: Gymkhana SIX: The Ultimate Gymkhana Grid Course. Need For Speed's Racing Advisor Ken Block built the ultimate Gymkhana GRID course -- a real-life playground to showcase the sheer speed, fun and exhilarating action of driving. This means all-new ...
YouTube8:55 Ken Block’s Climbkhana TWO: 914hp Hoonitruck on China's Most Dangerous Road; Tianmen Mountain [KB43] Ken #43 Block / КенБлок 629 人观看 4年前 YouTube19:01 Ken Block's GYMKHANA TEN: The Ultimate Tire Slaying Tour [KB43] Ken #43 Block / КенБло...
This was our introduction to Ken Block. 1min 22secs in he pitches his Subaru sideways at gloriously high speed and in that moment we knew two things: 1) this is what the internet was made for and, 2) Ken Block was going to be huge. He was, and in more than just YouTube hits, ...
Youtube上疯传的玩车巨作——《2012 KEN BLOCK 漂移旧金山》 若看不到视频,请点击这里观看! 小编推荐理由:这是也是 KEN BLOCK 第五场漂移巨作,Ken Block驾驶着自己的650马力嘉年华赛车疯狂地在旧金山市区中漂移。视频精彩绝仑,如此漂移大片绝对不容错过!
抖音kenblock肯·布洛克(Ken Block,1967年11月21日-2023年1月2日),出生于美国加利福尼亚州长滩,前美国职业拉力赛车手,Hoonigan创始人,制作了Gymkhana视频系列。成为职业拉力赛车车手前,布洛克同达蒙·韦(Damon W,已有4434.8万次观看,来抖音发现更多kenblock相关
For now, we will continue to remember him as perhaps he would want to be. Kenneth Paul Block 1967-2023 Paddy McGrath Instagram:pmcgphotos Twitter:pmcgphotos paddy@speedhunters.com Photography byLarry Chen Instagram:larry_chen_foto YouTube:Larry Chen OFFICIAL SPEEDHUNTERS SUPPLIERS...
TheHoonigans//YouTube Ken Block and the Hoonigan team have to up the ante with every new installment of their viral Gymkhana drift video series. For the soon-arriving Gymkhana 10, Block and crew built something completely absurd—a drift truck. More specifically, a 1977 Ford F-150 with a ...
Ken Block's first "Gymkhana" video was one of the early YouTube automotive hits.(DC Shoes) "Ken wanted to take the concept further and on a larger scale," according to the video, which was shot at the El Toro Airbase in California and featured Block driving a Subaru rally car at high...