error 47:Invalid object file record 无效的OBJ文件格式 error 48:Code segment too large 代码段太长 error 49:Data segment too large 数据段太长 error 50:DO expected 缺DO error 51:Invalid PUBLIC definition 无效的PUBLIC定义 error 52:Invalid EXTRN definition 无效的EXTRN定义 error 53: Too many EXTRN...
error 22: Structure too large 结构类型太长 error 23: Set base type out of range 集合基类型越界 error 24: File components may not be files or objectsfile分量不能是文件或对象 error 25: Invalid string length 无效的字符串长度 error 26: Type mismatch 类型不匹配 error 27:error 27:Invalid subra...
not allowed 不允许转换近指针 Could not find file ``xxx`` 找不到 XXX 文件 Declaration missing ; 说明缺少";" Declaration syntax error 说明中出现语法错误 Default outside of switch Default 出现在 switch 语句之外 Define directive needs an identifier 定义编译预处理需要标识符 Division by zero 用零...
Error:318:can’t open file ‘beep.h’ 说明在编译C:\8051\MANN.C 程序过程中由于main.c 用了指令#i nclude “beep.h”,但 却找不到所致解决方法编写一个beep.h 的包含档并存入到c:\8051 的工作目录中 4 Compling:C:\8051\LED.C Error 237:’LedOn’:function already has a body ...
error 20: Variable identifier expected 缺变量标识符 error 21: Error in type 范例弊端 error 22: Structure too large 挨算范例太少 error 23: Set base type out of range 纠散基范例越界 error 24: File components may not be files or objectsfile重量没有能是文件或工具 ...
not allowed 不允许转换近指针 Could not find file ``xxx`` 找不到XXX 文件 Declaration missing ; 说明缺少; Declaration syntax error 说明中出现语法错误 Default outside of switch Default 出现在switch 语句之外 Define directive needs an identifier 定义编译预处理需要标识符 Division by zero 用零作除数 ...
16、SUPPORT EXPIRED, NEW PRODUCT SERIAL NUMBER REQUIRED 17、ARM-Compiler version 'Unspecified: use latest compiler version 5' is not available 四、RAM和ROM 1、查看内存 2、ARM单片机RAM和ROM 1)ARM编译结果(可看代码量) 2)ARM映像文件的组成 3)ARM映像文件的存储地址映射 ...
keil 打开程序时出现 cannot read RTE data from project file :RTE is not enable最近在学习STM32,今天打开之前写的程序,出现cannot read RTE data from project file :RTE is not enable提示。我在网上搜索过相关问题,没有找到合适的答案。PS:重装过软件,但还是会有这个问题。 求大神指教!!!最好能给个详细...