图4 断点设置对话框 置时同 4),但是 Command 后键入 printf(“SubRoutine ‘Delay’ has been Called %d times\n”,++I),则主程序每次调用 Delay 时将会在 Command 窗口输出该字符及被调 用的次数,如 SubRoutine ‘Delay’has been Called 10 times。 对于使用 C 源程序语言的调试,表达式中可以直接使用变量...
Keil makes C compilers, macro assemblers, real-time kernels, debuggers, simulators, integrated environments, evaluation boards, and emulators for the ARM, XC16x/C16x/ST10, 251, and 8051 microcontroller families. This web site provides information about o
return -1; } int _lseek(int fd, int ptr, int dir) { (void) fd; (void) ptr; (void) dir; errno = EBADF; return -1; } int _read(int fd, char *ptr, int len) { HAL_StatusTypeDef hstatus; if (fd == STDIN_FILENO) { hstatus = HAL_UART_Receive(gHuart, (uint8_t *) ptr...
int sdram_sample(void) { rt_thread_t tid = RT_NULL; tid = rt_thread_create("sdram_thread",sdram_entry(void*)1,THREAD_STACK_SIZE,THRAED_PRIORITY,THREAD_TIMESKICE); if(tid!=RT_NULL)rt_thread_startup(tid); return 0; } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(sdram_sample,sdram sample); struct rt_memheap s...
stmt level source 1 #pragma cd 2 #include <reg51.h> 3 extern void alfunc(bit b0); 4 extern bit alarm; 5 int DTIMES; 6 char bdata flag; 7 sbit flag0=flag^0; 8 int dtime1=0x0a; 9 10 void int0 () interrupt 0 using 1 { 11 1 TR1=0; 12 1 flag0=!flag0; 13 1 DTIME...
Keil uVision for ARM microcontrollers supports breakpoints with an optional hit count. The breakpoint will only halt the core when the breakpoint has been hit n times, where n is a configurable parameter. To enable breakpoints with hit count enabled: 1. Open a uVision project or create a ...
A toothed rack (22) disclosed has a toothed forming face (24) of a novel construction for forming splines (42) in a thin-wall sleeve (36) of a power transmission member (28) by meshing of the rack and a toothed mandrel (26) with the sleeve therebetween to form the splines. The toot...