KaiserreichCN Wiki 89 个页面 不转换 登录以编辑 如果您遇到HoI4启动器相关的问题,请查看我们的排除故障页面。 假如你碰到了无法选择KR MOD开始游戏的问题,那么干干净净地重装HOI4和KR会比较管用。 出于对游戏的热爱,请大家用正版HOI4进行游戏。 确保你现在HOI4的版本不是测试版。
and indeed has been in Kaiserreich for many years - a relativelyconservative, democratic republicled by war hero Michael Collins, next-door to its historicaloppressor, which itself has undergone a massive political about-face. But now, deep into the development of Kaiserreich for HOI4, ...
To make room for this,Huey Long has been shifted into the National Populist ideology slot at game start. While there is much discourse in the wider HOI4 community surrounding where Long's political views should place him, we felt that the National Populist slot fit his initial radical revolt ...
Note:This mechanic was coded before the Balance of Power system was added into HoI4. While it might be turned to a BoP in the future, it’s low priority, since there isn’t really any rush to do so. :P 注:这个机制的代码写于HOI4权力平衡系统实装之前,可能以后我们会把它改成权力平衡,不过...
Updated the Spanish states to more closely follow vanilla HoI4. 更新了西班牙的地区以与原版更相符。 Minor adjustments to the northern Russian air zones. 微调了俄罗斯北部的空域。 Removed the Slovakia strategic region. 移除了斯洛伐克战略区域。
I only got to play it recently, and this was most amazing experience I had playing HOI4 mod. Last edited: Mar 28, 2024 Mar 28, 2024 4 #9,422 Augenis ReconGuy02 said: @Augenis Sorry to bother you too, but I have played SWR Germany recently, when I got enough time, and I...
So far as I can gather the coding needed to rename factions that already exist is much more complicated in HOI4 than in DH. Feb 13, 2018 1 #230 Lady Insane What I am hoping for is that references to Mitteleuropa are still kept in Germany's focus tree, national spirits and such -...
KaiserreichCN Wiki 89 個頁面 臺灣正體 登入以編輯 如果您遇到HoI4啟動器相關的問題,請查看我們的排除故障頁面。 假如你碰到了無法選擇KR MOD開始遊戲的問題,那麼乾乾淨淨地重裝HOI4和KR會比較管用。 出於對遊戲的熱愛,請大家用正版HOI4進行遊戲。 確保你現在HOI4的版本不是測試版。
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