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It just so happened that I didn't know this store. Thanks for the recommendation. From what I see, it is also possible to rent equipment from them. Maybe I'll use this one day to satisfy my curiosity and see how another VCR performs to the one I bought. I don't know, maybe Quo...
Now at that point I already knew of james444’s efforts and success in modifying the FD01, but I was listening to a store demo unit anyways so I wasn’t at liberty to do any sort of tinkering. With the FDX1 also comes my opportunity to test out what is one of SBAF’s most ...
Debug keystore added so that user-generated robot controller APKs will all use the same signed key (to avoid conflicts if a team has multiple developer laptops for example). Firmware version information for Modern Robotics modules are now logged. Changes made to improve USB comm reliability and...
Dispatch advised me that Walmart loss prevention was currently observing a male subject attempting to pry open a necklace while in the jewelry department of the store. Loss prevention described the subject as a white male, wearing a green tee-shirt, and black baseball cap. 600 Words 3 Pages ...