As classic movies go, Jurassic Park is always right there near the top of the list. Short of maybe Star Wars, it's one of the most definitive films of ...
Learn about Lewis Dodgson from Jurassic Park. Explore the work he did for Biosyn, his role in the plot, his physical and personality...
Dieter Stark's death at the hand of a Compsognathus swarm in The Lost World: Jurassic Park is based on John Hammond's death in which a pack of Procompsognathus kills him while he is injured in the chapter "Hammond II" of the Jurassic Park novel. Curiously, in the behind the scenes ...
英文片名:lostworld:jurassicpark 中文片名:侏罗纪公园:失落的世界 上映:1996 thelostworld jurassicpark screenplayby davidkoepp basedonthenovelby michaelcrichton ext.tropicallagoon-day a135-foot-luxuryyachtisanchoredjustoffshoreina tropicallagoon.thebeachisastunningcrescentofwhite ...
JURASSIC PARK screenplay by David Koepp based on the novel by Michael Crichton EXT. TROPICAL LAGOON - DAY A 135-foot-luxury yacht is anchored just offshore in a tropical lagoon. The beach is a stunning crescent of white sand at the jungle fringe, utterly deserted. ...
The Cold Storage Room was a room where dinosaur embryos were stored. The room was located in the Visitor Center featured in both the novel and film versions of Jurassic Park. This room was located inside the Isla Nublar Laboratory, but above its floor. T