The article presents a photo essay that follows the life and film career of actress Julie Andrews. The photos presented depict her role in "The Sound of Music," "Mary Poppins," "The Princess Diaries" movies, and "Shrek 2." Ph...
Andrews’ stepfather sponsored lessons for her, first at the independent arts educational school Cone-Ripman School (now known commonly as ArtsEd) in London, and thereafter with concert soprano and voice instructor Madame Lilian Stiles-Allen. “She had an enormous influence on me,” Andrews said ...
19 March –Tige Andrews is born. 24 March –Gene Nelson is born. 31 March –Howard A. Anderson, Jr. is born. 11 April –Virginia Darcy is born. 17 April –Adrian Spies is born. 25 April –Gene Sherry is born. 4 May –Robert C. Johnson is born. 9 May –Robert Lewin is born....