link_libraries(m)set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH"/home/ljx/ubus/json-c")set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY)set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) 然后进入json-c目录,使用如下编译命令: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/ljx/ubus/libubox/install -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolChai...
A high performance JSON library written in ANSI C. Features Fast: can read or write gigabytes per second JSON data on modern CPUs. Portable: complies with ANSI C (C89) for cross-platform compatibility. Strict: complies withRFC 8259JSON standard, ensuring strict number format and UTF-8 validat...
CMake Clone the repository and create build directory: git clone mkdir build cd build Build static library: cmake .. cmake --build . Build static library and run tests: cmake .. -DYYJSON_BUILD_TESTS=ON cmake --build . ctest ...
Some cmake improvements 6年前 include/jwt update nlohmann json library 6年前 tests Add api to supply secret based on decoded payload 6年前 CMakeLists.txt compile with -Wextra 6年前 LICENSE Create LICENSE 7年前 Some cmake improvements ...
/usr/local/include/cjson and the libraries to /usr/local/lib. It also installs files for pkg-config to make it easier to detect and use an existing installation of CMake. And it installs CMake config files, that can be used by other CMake based projects to discover the library. ...
#include "sql-common/json_schema.h" #include "sql-common/my_decimal.h" #include "sql_string.h" #include "template_utils.h" Classes classanonymous_namespace{}::CoutSerializationErrorHandler classanonymous_namespace{}::CoutJsonSchemaDefaultErrorH...
Overview What is SQL Server? Connect to the Database Engine What's new? Editions and features Release notes Business continuity Database design Development Code a client program > Data tier applications Common Language Runtime (CLR) Extended stored procedures ...
Overview What is SQL Server? Connect to the Database Engine What's new? Editions and features Release notes Business continuity Database design Development Code a client program > Data tier applications Common Language Runtime (CLR) Extended stored procedures ...
{ "verb": "addSPLookupFieldXml", "schemaXml": "<Field Type=\"Lookup\" DisplayName=\"Contoso Project Category\" Required=\"FALSE\" EnforceUniqueValues=\"FALSE\" ShowField=\"Title\" UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary=\"FALSE\" RelationshipDeleteBehavior=\"None\" ID=\"{101f1f89-d667-4c7f-...
The use of "" (and symlinks, etc...) for the json-c library can lead to conflicts because other people have used the same, rather generic name for their libraries. The solution for this is fairly obvious, rename it to something like