方法/步骤 1 从网站获取libjson-c的源码,可使用wget,链接参考后面的参考资料 2 解压:tar xvfjson-c-0.12.1.tar.gzcd json-c-0.12.1 3 编译准备:【请务必确认系统中已安装gcc】禁用警告错误:sed -i s/-Werror// Makefile.in tests/Makefile.in生成Makefile:./configure --prefix=/usr --disabl...
2.编译 在json-c 的同级目录创建新文件,命名为:toolChain_json.cmake 加入以下内容: set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux) SET(TOOLCHAIN_DIR"/home/ljx/ingenic/toolchain/mips-gcc540-glibc222-64bit-r3.3.0")set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ${TOOLCHAIN_DIR}/bin/mips-linux-uclibc-gnu-gcc)set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER ${...
The use of "libjson.so" (and symlinks libjson.so.0, etc...) for the json-c library can lead to conflicts because other people have used the same, rather generic name for their libraries. The solution for this is fairly obvious, rename it to something like libjson-c.so. In addition...
⭕ Tricky, super fast and dumb JSON library for C/C++ cjsonjson-parserjson-parsingjson-librariesjson-libraryjson-cjson-libjson-parsing-librarycpp-jsonjson-readerjson-parsejson-cppc-jsonjson-reader-library UpdatedDec 12, 2023 C thingspin/factory-thing ...
5.使用JSONCPP框架: 参考上述链接将其安装后,其动态链接库libjson.so已在系统默认库中(/lib/),相关头文件也在默认系统头文件库中( /usr/include/),此时只需在代码中保护相应头文件,如#include < json/json.h>,在链接时加上-ljson参数链接上libjson.so库即可,例如 g++ -c main.cpp -o main.o #编译 ...
g++ -c getInfo.cpp -o getInfo.o g++ -o getInfo.exe -L /usr/local/lib -lcurl -ljson getInfo.o 自动编译 #x86 complie config CC=g++ LD=g++ CFLAGS=-Wall -DLDAP_DEPRECATED=1 -I ./include/ ARCH=$(shell getconf LONG_BIT)
第一步:安装cmake sudo apt-get install cmake 需要加sudo这个命令,不然可能会出现权限不够的提示 如果遇到无法获得锁如图 解决方案,强制删除 sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock cmake安装成功 第二步,安装cJSON库 git clone https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON.git cd...
jute: 非常简单的C++ JSON解析器 ibjson: C语言中的JSON解析和打印库,很容易和任何模型集成 libjson:...
安装和编译cJSON的只需要五步(cmake): mkdir build cd build cmake .. make main install By default it installs the headers /usr/local/include/cjson and the libraries to /usr/local/lib. It also installs files for pkg-config to make it easier to detect and use an existing installation of...
两种方式 template< class T > bool b_WriteJson( const string &s_file_path, Json::Value &j_root, T &t_writer ) { bool b_result = true; string s_fwriter = t_writer.write( j_root ); ofstream ostream; ostream.open( s_file_path.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary ); if( !