"span", function(event){ // event.delegateTarget 就是id为element的DOM元素 // this 就是当前触发事件的span元素 alert( event.delegateTarget === this); // false } ); // 为id为element的元素中的所有span元素绑定click事件 $("#element span").bind( "click", function(event){ // event.delegate...
06-getElementById获取元素 08:17 07-getElementsByTagName获取某类标签元素 11:33 08-H5新增获取元素方式 08:36 09-获取body和html元素 02:59 10-事件三要素 06:27 11-执行事件过程 04:06 12-操作元素-修改元素内容 08:17 13-innerText和innerHTML的区别 06:06 14-操作元素-修改元素属性 05:54 15-分时...
_getRadioGroup: function() { var group; var name = this.element[ 0 ].name; var nameSelector = "input[name='" + $.escapeSelector( name ) + "']"; var nameSelector = "input[name='" + CSS.escape( name ) + "']"; if ( !name ) { return $( [] );2...
dom.currentStyle[attr] : getComputedStyle(dom, false)[attr]; return parseFloat(value); }; r.openModal = function(html, fn) { /*打开模态框*/ r.modal = document.createElement('div'); r.modal.className = 'editor-modal'; r.modal.innerHTML = html; /*每个模态框内容不同*/ r.parent.app...
///using the response's Expires and Last-Modified headers when caching. ///</summary> publicvoidEndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result) { stringexpiresHeader; stringlastModifiedHeader; stringrss; using(var response=this.request.EndGetResponse(result)) ...
For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.toArray():String[]Serializes the sortable's item data-id's (dataIdAttr option) into an array of string....
id='amen[22][1]' value='Bird's Eye View' class='hidden_radio' /> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </form> But when I call dialog() on 'div.options', it moves those divs down to the bottom of the DOM outside of the form and those inputs no longer get submitted with the pos...
037.if( jQuery.cache[ id ] ) { 038.// Remove the section of cache data 039.deletejQuery.cache[ id ][ name ]; 040.// If we've removed all the data, remove the element's cache 041.name =""; 042.for( nameinjQuery.cache[ id ] ) ...
一、 JavaScript 基础 一、 JavaScript 概述 1. 什么是JavaScript 1) JS 介绍 简称JS,是一种浏览器解释型语言,嵌套在HTML文件中...