"span", function(event){ // event.delegateTarget 就是id为element的DOM元素 // this 就是当前触发事件的span元素 alert( event.delegateTarget === this); // false } ); // 为id为element的元素中的所有span元素绑定click事件 $("#element span").bind( "click", function(event){ // event.delegate...
jquery 富文本插件 富文本前端 最近在用vue + element-ui对公司的后台管理系统进行重构,听说这个后台管理系统是零几年的产物,历史悠久,看界面就看得出是前后端不分离时期,PHP后端工程师做的,不符合我们95后程序员的审美,而且里面的富文本编辑器也是很老的,而且很难用,没有视频上传功能,而且也没有上传图片功能,文...
document.getElementById('con').innerHTML='<span>name:'+last+'high:'+volume+'low:'+cap+'</span>'; })
116 var div = document.getElementById("fileLoad"); 117 div.style.display = "none"; 118 popDiv.hide(); 119 $(".popWarp").hide(); 120 return; 121 } 122 if(flag=="open"){ 123 popDiv.show(); 124 } 125 $(window).resize(function(){ 126 var maxH = $(document...
02<menu id="html5polyfill"type="context"style="display:none"> 03<command label="rotate"onclick="alert('rotate')"icon="images/cut.png"> 04<command label="resize"onclick="alert('resize')"icon="images/door.png"> 05<menu label="share"> ...
一、 JavaScript 基础 一、 JavaScript 概述 1. 什么是JavaScript 1) JS 介绍 简称JS,是一种浏览器解释型语言,嵌套在HTML文件中...
$sponsorsarray. Each sponsor entry is organized as a separate regular array. The first element of that array is the unique key of the sponsor, which corresponds to the file name of the logo. The second element is a description of the sponsor and the last is a link to the sponsor's ...
But when I call dialog() on 'div.options', it moves those divs down to the bottom of the DOM outside of the form and those inputs no longer get submitted with the post data. The 'easy' solution in my mind is to force jQuery to attach those divs to some parent element inside the...
integrity sha1-r2rId6Jcx/dOBYiUdThY39sk/bY= array-unique@^0.3.2: version "0.3.2" resolved "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/array-unique/download/array-unique-0.3.2.tgz#a894b75d4bc4f6cd679ef3244a9fd8f46ae2d428" integrity sha1-qJS3XUvE9s1nnvMkSp/Y9Gri1Cg= asn...
42 sedtBodyId: function(display_active){ 43 body.attr("id", display_active.attr('id') + "_active"); 44 }, 45 scroll: function(element){ 46 var display_id = element.attr('data-id-section'), 47 display_active = $('#' + display_id), 48 position = display_active.offset(...