Impact Factor1.1 5 Year Impact Factor1.1 Cite Score2.2 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)28 Social Media Mentions36 Downloads70,139 Physics in Perspective Impact Factor0.1 5 Year Impact Factor0.4 Cite Score0.6 Social Media Mentions103 Downloads65,299 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanic...
We suggest you to consult the Journal Citation Report for other indicators (like Impact Factor) with a Web of Science data source. Best Regards, SCImago Team SSreenath Nair 5 years ago Respected All, Please tell me what are the publication charges of this journal and also the time taken ...
今年的名次和往年比变化较大,位居第3-10名的依次为:Journal of Sport and Health Science,Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health,Exercise Immunology Review,Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews,American Journal of Sports Medicine,Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,Journal of the Internatio...
Impact Score*8.1 OFFICIAL WEBSITE Ranking & Metrics Research Impact Score*:8.1 Impact Factor:2.8 SCIMAGO SJR:0.76 SCIMAGO H-index:422 Research Ranking(Chemistry)86 Research Ranking(Materials Science)124 Number of Best scientists*:359 Documents by best scientists*:445 ...
北京时间6月29日18:00,2020年(2019版)《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports, 简称JCR)正式版终于出炉。JCR对包括SCI收录的3800种核心期刊(光盘版)在内的8000多种期刊(网络版)之间的引用和被引用数据进行统计、运算,并针对每种期刊定义了影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以报道。
Material science and engineering The journal accepts almost all types of write-ups like research articles, review, case reports, commentary, letter to editor, mini review, opinion, short communication, book review, editorials etc. in the field of recent developments in physical science technology. ...
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities Impact Factor 1.5 5 Year Impact Factor 1.7 Cite Score 3.4 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median) 28 Social Media Mentions 150 Downloads 251,348 Journal of Nonverbal Behavior Impact Factor ...
ISSN1346-213X|E-ISSN2042-6550 Impact Factor 1.680 (two year); 1.794 (five year); SJR 0.638 The latest research and analysis in all areas of physical modelling at any scale. About this journalIEditorial BoardIKey contentICall for papersIPurchasing information ...
执行主编:Laura L. McConnell (Bayer Crop Science) 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 ACS Applied Bio Materials 1st Impact Factor 两年影响因子:4.7 五年影响因子:4.6 引用分数:7.9 引用总数:12,105 投稿到初审决定平均时间:4.9天 主编:Kirk S. Schanze (University of Texas) ...
Journal Impact Factor2.211*(2 Year Impact Factor) Whatsapp Contact: +443308089004 Journal of Physics & Astronomy is an open access peer reviewed journal that covers the publishing of all aspects of Physics & Astronomy with unwavering objectives of report on the latest research achievements and develo...