《国际贸易与经济发展杂志》(Journal Of International Trade & Economic Development)是一本由Taylor & Francis出版的以ECONOMICS为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该
《国际贸易与经济发展杂志》(Journal Of International Trade & Economic Development)是一本以ECONOMICS综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Taylor & Francis出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE、SSCI收录。期刊聚焦ECONOMICS领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流...
网络国际贸易和经济发展期刊;国际贸易与金融发展杂志;国际贸易与经济发展杂志 1. JournalofInternationalTradeandEconomicDevelopment 国际贸易与金融发展杂志 blog.sina.com.cn
The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development ( JITED) focuses on international economics, economic development, and the interface between trade and development. The links between trade and development economics are critical at a time when fluctuating commodity prices, ongoing production frag...
期刊简称J INT TRADE ECON DEV 参考译名《国际贸易与经济发展杂志》 核心类别 SSCI(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向ECONOMICS 经济学 The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development《国际贸易与经济发展杂志》(一年8期). The Journal of International Trade and Econom...
Journal of International Trade & Economic Development简介 Magazine introduction 英文简介 The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development ( JITED) focuses on international economics, economic development, and the interface between trade and development. The links between trade and development ...
期刊名称:Journal of International Trade & Economic Development期刊名缩写:J INT TRADE ECON DEV 期刊ISSN:0963-8199 E-ISSN:1469-9559 2024年影响因子/JCR分区:2.2/Q2学科与分区:ECONOMICS - SSCI(Q3)出版国家或地区:出版周期:出版年份:0年文章数:78...
The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development serves as a significant academic platform in its field, focusing not only on current trends in international trade and economic development but also delving into how these trends impact economic growth and social welfare in different countries ...
the journal of international trade & economic development: an international and comparative review foreign trade and economic growth: time series evidence from latin america foreign trade and economic growth: time series evidence from la... This paper extends our understanding of the relationship ...