Journal of fire protection engineering 喜欢 0 阅读量: 42 作者: Beyler,C.摘要: The efficacy of tebuconazole fungicide for the control of oat leaf diseases caused by Pyrenophora avenae and Puccinia coronata was studied during 2003-2005. Two application times and four varieties belonging to three ...
Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 发文量328 被引量2,444 影响因子(2023)0.467 主办单位:Society for Fire Protection Engineers 出版地区:United States 出版周期:季刊 国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1042-3915 创刊时间:1989年 收录汇总栏目浏览期刊详情
Explore, visually communicate and make sense of data with our new data visualization tool. Metrics based on Scopus® data as of March 2024EENG.ALI JABESS 5 years ago HI SIR ;I WANT TO ASK ABOUT WHY THE (SJR =0) FOR THIS JOURNAL "Fire Protection Engineering" I WANT TO DEPEND ON RES...
Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 期刊详细信息 基本信息 期刊名称 Journal of Fire Protection EngineeringJ FIRE PROT ENG 期刊ISSN 1042-3915 期刊E-ISSN 2023-2024最新影响因子 (数据来源于搜索引擎) 0 最新影响因子 - 五年影响因子 JCI期刊引文指标 0 期刊官方网站 ...
pool fire; fire simulation; 3.Corrosion Control Inside Water-filled Steel Fire Sprinkler Piping 机译:充水钢制消防喷淋头内的腐蚀控制 作者:BRUCE W. CHRIST 期刊名称:《Journal of Fire Protection Engineering》|2006年第2期 关键词: corrosion;
《Journal of Fire Protection Engineering》语言:外文ISSN:1042-3915周期:季刊影响因子:2015:0.417;2014:0.385;2013:0.259;2012:0.4;2011:0.192;2010:0.154;2009:0.296;2008:0.308;2007:0;学科分类: 简介:Editor: Ronald L Alpert, Alpert Fire Protection Science, USA The Journal of Fire Protection Engineer.....
Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 19: A new intermediate-scale fire test for evaluating building material flammability.(Author abstract)(Report)Nam, SBill, R.G
Overview of the Benefits of Structural Fire Engineering The field of structural fire engineering has evolved within the construction industry, driven largely by the acceptance of performance-based or goal-based ... A Jowsey,P Scott,J Torero - International Journal of High-Rise Buildings 被引量: ...
engineering discipline. This is an essential step towards gaining a status equal to that enjoyed by the other engineering disciplines. It is impossible to give a comprehensive list of topics which are considered acceptable and the following list is intended for guidance only: • Fire chemistry ...
transportation, textile, and numerous other industries where fire safety is of importance. Forum discussions on the intersection of fire science, fire safety engineering, and regulatory issues however, are within scope, and will be engaged in special issues from time to time where key researchers in...