Alcoholism: Journal on Alcoholism and Related AddictionsDepartment of Psychiatry
Expect to feel uncomfortable because of the interpersonal nature of alcoholism’s defenses. Tolerate these feelings through helping the patient to see how uncomfortable he is because of the illness. 2. Adopt a nonjudgmental stance regarding the complex origins of the problem, and develop the ...
organization (Headquarters Rue des Messageries io Paris, I Oe) resembles the American andBritish AA (Alcoholic Anonymous), in Even small quantities of alcohol affect the higher centresand reflexes. Alcoholism and Drinking Practices in a Jamaican Suburb, MH Beaubrun.S VOL
Clinical relevance of alcohol — drug interaction. In: Stimmel B, ed. Advances in alcohol and substance abuse. New York: Haworth Press, 1981;41–65 Google Scholar Vaillant GE. The natural history of alcoholism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983 Google Scholar Schuckit MA, Z...
Cite this article: Castro Matiz TX, Aristizabal Gutierrez FA, Buitrago MR (2015) Determination of Genetic Polymorphism Taqia (Ankk1) Taqib (Drd2),-141c Ins/Del (Drd2) And 40 Bp Vntr (Slc6a3) in the Colombian Population and Evaluation of their Associations with Alcoholism. J Subst Abuse...
Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, 43(7), 1545–1555. Article PubMed Google Scholar Zuckerman, M. (1979). Sensation seeking: Beyond the optimal level of arousal. Erlbaum. Google Scholar Zuckerman, M. (1994). Behavioral expressions and biosocial...
he is the Pfizer Centennial Professor of Pharmacology and director of the Addiction Science Research & Education Center, University of Texas. He has published over 150 scientific and professional articles, co-edited and co-authored books and is associate editor ofAlcoholism: Clinical and Experimental...
Alcohol ReviewUSA65%similarity10 Alcohol and AlcoholismGBR64%similarity11 Alcoholism Treatment QuarterlyUSA63%similarity12 Journal of Ethnicity in Substance AbuseUSA63%similarity13 Experimental and Clinical PsychopharmacologyUSA62%similarity14 Journal of Substance UseGBR62%similarity15 Addictive Behaviors Reports...
Journal of Gambling Studies is an interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination on the many aspects of gambling behavior, both controlled and pathological, as well as variety of problems attendant to, or resultant from, gambling behavior including alcoholism, suicide, crime, and a number of other ...
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Hypoperfusion of the Cerebellum and Aging Effects on Cerebral Cortex Blood Flow in Abstinent Alcoholics: A SPECT Study ArticleinAlcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research · May ...