Even religious flesh never glories in anything but itself.* {*We find a proof of this in Colossians 2:21-23. The doctrines, commandments, and teachings of men may indeed have a show of wisdom … inasmuch as they do not spare the body, but they are for the satisfaction of the flesh....
“Soon after teens got iPhones, they started getting more depressed. The heaviest users were also the most depressed, while those who spent more time in face-to-face activities, such as on sports teams and in religious communities, were the healthiest.” “The Great Rewiring” is Haidt’s p...
While the picture currently provided by archaeologists of religious continuity in Canaan before and after the Exodus differs from earlier reconstructions of the history of Israel, it should not be too surprising when we consider the likelihood that the Israelite group arriving from Egypt was relatively...
The truth was and is H.H, and his spiritually depraved concept, only became a modern vehicle to expose what was already deeply hidden in our own dark hearts. I seem to remember Jesus calling out the religious experts of his own day when they claimed they were without sexual sin because t...