Chief Joseph Elementary School is ranked #120 in Oregon Elementary Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Elementary Schools. All Rankings #120 in Oregon...
In Douglas County School District 4, 40% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 30% tested at or above that level for math.Joseph Lane Middle School did worse in math and better in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In Oregon, ...
Crater, Joseph Force (1889–?1930) lawyer, judge; born in Easton, Pa. He graduated from Lafayette College (1910) and Columbia Law School (1913), practiced law in New York City, and became active in Tammany Hall Democratic politics. Chosen to fill an unexpired term on the New York Supreme...
J.D., Tulane University Law School, 1974 Admissions State of Oregon State of Washington State of Texas U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit U.S. Court of Federal Claims U.S. District Court, District of Oregon ...
Ashland, Oregon Buoyed by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which runs April through October 2023, this quaint small town is home to cultural opportunities that defy its size. The temperate forest climate means that many of the town's ample hiking trails—more than 50 miles worth—are still ac...
Western Oregon UniversityMonmouth, OR United States FEB 26, 2015 - MAR 07, 2015 Western Oregon UniversityMonmouth, OR United States FEB 20, 2015 - FEB 23, 2015 Roy High SchoolRoy, UT United States FEB 20, 2015 - FEB 28, 2015 John Brown UniversitySiloam Springs, AR United States ...
Graduate Research Grant, University of Oregon, 1994. Fellowship, Emotions Research Training Grant, NIMH, University of Oregon, 1992-1994. University scholarship, University of Oregon, 1991-1992. Stanford Small Grant, Stanford University, 1986. ...
University of Oregon School of Law, J.D., 1985 Willamette University, B.S., Political Science and Economics, 1982 Admissions Oregon, 1985 U.S. District Court, District of Oregon, 1985 Professional Recognition Named by peers to The Best Lawyers in America© in the areas of Corporate Gove...
In August 1848, a bill for organizing the Oregon territory into a state was introduced in the House of Representatives. Now began the political struggle in earnest, which led directly to the collapse of the Whig party and the emergence of the Republican Party, the election of Abraham Lincoln ...
Oregon 1. Suzanne Bonamici (D) February 2012 2. Cliff Bentz (R) January 2021 3. Maxine Dexter (D) January 2025 4. Val Hoyle (D) January 2023 5. Janelle Bynum (D) January 2025 6. Andrea Salinas (D) January 2023 Pennsylvania 1. Brian Fitzpatrick (R) January 2017 2. Brend...