Define Joseph Conrad. Joseph Conrad synonyms, Joseph Conrad pronunciation, Joseph Conrad translation, English dictionary definition of Joseph Conrad. Noun 1. Joseph Conrad - English novelist noted for sea stories and for his narrative technique Conrad, T
Joseph_Conrad 约瑟夫康拉德 英文介绍 详细版 JosephConrad 唐士尤1107100414 JosephConrad 1 Earlylife 2Merchant-marinecareer 3 Literarycareer JoJosseepphhCCoonrnadrad Earlylife Nurturedbyhisparents.(1857-1869)Takencareofbyhisuncle(1869-1873)Earlylife(1857-1869)❖bornon3December,1857/Berdichev (inPodolia,...
(1902). During his lifetime Conrad was admired for the richness of his prose and his renderings of dangerous life at sea and in exotic places. But his initial reputation as a masterful teller of colourful adventures of the sea masked his fascination with the individual when faced with nature...
The author's aim was to document the facts surrounding life of Konrad Korzeniowski and this he does admirably. While serving on a British ship, his name became anglicized and it is as Joseph Conrad that he is known in English. This is a biography and not a work of literary criticism,...
文档标签: Joseph_Conrad 约瑟夫_康拉德 系统标签: conrad joseph 康拉德 约瑟夫 marlow kurtzs JosephConrad(1857-1924)oneofthegreatestnovelistsintheEnglishlanguageHisLife JosephConradwasborninBerdyczów(nowinUkraine)intoanimpoverished,highlypatrioticPolishnoblefamily.HisfatherApolloKorzeniowskiwasawriterofpolitically...
Victory(1915)LiteraryCareerConradalsoturnedtoautobiographyMirror of the Sea(1906)APersonalRecord(1912)NotesonLifeand Letters(1921)HisStyle Verbose(冗长的):agreatprosemasterofhisEnglish.Inafigurativelanguage—similesandmetaphorsExtensiveuseofsymbolsApoeticqualityThemeofHisWritingsPredominantlywithaseaboardsetting/depi...
Joseph Conrad, English author of Polish descent whose works include the novel Lord Jim and the short story Heart of Darkness.
OthernovelsmarkedbytheessentialConradianthemesincludeTheInheritors(cowrittenwithFordMaddoxFord,1901),Victory(1915),andTheShadowLine(1917).Conradalsoturnedtoautobiography:TheMirroroftheSea(1906),APersonalRecord(1912),andNotesonLifeandLetters(1921).Influence SomeofConrad’sworksincludingHeartofDarknesshave...
Therefore, it had personal importance to Joseph Conrad. Conrad’s Philosophy of Life Joseph Conrad is the most pessimistic writer on the English Language next to Thomas Hardy. However, Conrad does not challenge the inspirations of humans for a living. His works, such as “Youth,” do ...
The first chapter is a short biographical survey of Conrad's life and addresses some later biographical works by his wife, among others. An overview of critical works that deal with is presented in the second chapter. An investigation into narrative structure and its use in creating a hetero...