使用John the Ripper 开膛手约翰提取rar 压缩包文件示例(rar, zip,7z也是同样的) 在John the Ripper 开膛手约翰的目录输入 rar2john.exe + 文件所在路径 下图的 $rar5$16$04363f0311f905f2b98d5b422987021f$15$914c9e459933f9b45da5bc8a3b2067f2$8$3272fae8607d742f就是文件的哈希值,其中 rar5 就是...
先找到office2john.py所在路径 cd /usr/share/john python office2john.py filename.docx>hash.txt 破解Excel文件把扩展名替换成xls即可 python office2john.py filename.xls>hash.txt john hash.txt 使用字典破解rar密码: 首先用自己的字典替换该文件/usr/share/john/password.lst 找到rar2john所在路径 cd/usr...
1.hashcat :https://hashcat.net 2.john the ripper :https://www.openwall.com 注:官网是英文的,可以通过谷歌浏览器翻译成中文 只需用到2个命令: rar2john.exe xxxx.rar –获取hash值 hashcat.exe -m 13000 -w 4 -a 3 $rar5$16$b88c1d7d2c96dc9d1b1a5ccdc5c25d50$15$8f0b287c982535c868bbff...
1.hashcat :https://hashcat.net 2.john the ripper :https://www.openwall.com 注:官网是英文的,可以通过谷歌浏览器翻译成中文 广告 只需用到2个命令: rar2john.exe xxxx.rar –获取hash值 hashcat.exe -m 13000 -w 4 -a 3 $rar5$16$b88c1d7d2c96dc9d1b1a5ccdc5c25d50$15$8f0b287c982535c868...
Hashcat +john the ripper 原文地址 用到的两个工具: 1.hashcat :https://hashcat.net 2.john the ripper :https://www.openwall.com 解密RAR只需用到2个命令: rar2john.exe xxxx.rar –获取hash值 hashcat.exe -m 13000 -w 4 -a 3 $rar5$16$b88c1d7d2c96dc9d1b1a5ccdc5c25d50$15$8f0b287...
John the Ripper https://github.com/openwall/john 过程 既然暴力破解,那就最好是能利用GPU的算力的工具,所以用John the Ripper中的工具获取hash,然后用hashcat破解。 以mjj.zip文件为例 然后用john软件获取hash (其它类型文件需要找对应的,比如rar就应该用rar2john.exe), ...
John the Ripper jumbo - advanced offline password cracker, which supports hundreds of hash and cipher types, and runs on many operating systems, CPUs, GPUs, and even some FPGAs - openwall/john
This is the official repo for John the Ripper, "Jumbo" version. The "bleeding-jumbo" branch is based on 1.9.0-Jumbo-1 which was released on May 14, 2019. An import of the "core" version of john this jumbo was based on (or newer) is found in the "master"
John the Ripper (“JtR”) 是一个非常有用的工具。这是一个快速的密码破解器,适用于Windows和许多Linux系统。它具有很多功能,对于很多密码破解均有奇效。 我们来试试看吧!当人们第一次使用JtR的时候,可能会感觉“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”,被它的许多命令行选项搞糊涂,但这恰恰证明了JtR的多功能性。
john-1.9.0-jumbo-1.tar.xz John is a password cracker (community-enhanced version with more features bu tlower overall quality). John the Ripper password cracker. 可以用来恢复忘记的rar、zip、7z等文件密码 这个是增强版哦 上传者:payshangjj时间:2020-04-10...