John Snow Labs is an award-winning healthcare AI company for rapid adoption of AI in healthcare and life sciences organizations, providing high-compliance AI platform, state-of-the-art NLP libraries, and data market.
Run 300+ NLP & LLM live demos and notebooks. Try out demo examples to understand the AI capabilities offered by John Snow Labs.
Enhance your AI, NLP, and LLM knowledge with materials prepared by domain experts on topics including Healthcare AI, Responsible AI, No-Code AI, Large Language Models, and Multimodal AI.
John Snow Labs' NLP is an open source text processing library for Python, Java, and Scala. It provides production-grade, scalable, and trainable versions of the latest research in natural language processing. Get Started For Free Most Widely Used in the Enterprise Widely deployed production-grad...
nlp.load('ner').predict('Angela Merkel from Germany and the American Donald Trump dont share many opinions') embeddingsner_tagentities [[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… PER Angela Merkel [[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615, 0.3… GPE Germany [[-0.563759982585907, 0.26958999037742615,...
# Install NLU from PyPIpipinstallnlu# Install NLU from Anaconda/Condacondainstall-cjohnsnowlabs nlu Benchmark NLU is based on the award winning Spark NLP which best performing in peer-reviewed results Training NER State-of-the-artDeep Learningalgorithms ...
对于法律应用,NLP可以用于合同理解、总结、比较、遵守等。John Snow Labs首席技术官David Talby表示:“法律和金融文件中高度具体的术语和微妙的语义,加上这些行业产生的大量文本,为自然语言处理提供了巨大的机会,以帮助自动化、简化和优化操作。”“金融NLP和法律NLP通过提供当前最先进的准确性、广泛的通用用例开箱即...
Spark NLP:適用於 Python、Java 或 Scala 的最新 NLP。 Spark NLP for Healthcare:最先進的臨床和生物醫學 NLP。 Spark OCR:可調整、私人且高度精確的 OCR 和取消識別連結庫。 您可以將 Azure Databricks 叢集與 John Snow Labs 整合。 備註 John Snow Labs 不會與 Databricks SQL 倉儲整合(先前稱為 Databricks...
JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp Spark NLP: State-of-the-Art Natural Language Processing Spark NLP is a state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing library built on top of Apache Spark. It providessimple,performant&accurateNLP annotations for machine learning pipelines thatscaleeasily in a distributed ...
John Snow Labs, an award-winning healthcare AI company, has selected OCI to deploy and scale its new generative AI offering. This new service is based on John Snow Labs’ own healthcare GPT LLM and chat platform