GARY JOHN O'CONNOR (Registration #1418490) is an attorney in Scotia admitted in the Third Judicial Department (seated in Albany) of New York State in 1976, registered with the Office of Court Administration (OCA) of New York State Unified Court System.
In a letter dated August 22, 1977, following the conclusion of congressional hearings, John C. Sims and Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe respectively an attorney and a physician employed by the Nader group Public Citizen filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act for a list of the names of ...
In response to questions from Assistant US Attorney Danielle Sassoon, Bankman-Fried, 31, often said he couldn’t recall details about how the business he ran operated. The former CEO’s use of the phrase “not sure” resulted in at least half a dozen admonitions from the judge. /
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Induction-IP PLLC (Dallas, TEXAS, US) Claims: 1.A device for measuring and remotely displaying HVAC system data comprising:a sensor unit capable of acquiring physical characteristic data of the HVAC system and transmitting the data measured;a remote display for receiving...