2.The Art of Tyler Jacobson January 2022 Introduction by John Fleskes. Designed and edited by John Fleskes. Hardcover. ISBN: 978-1-64041-054-1. $49.95 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches, 160 pages. Deluxe signed in slipcase. ISBN: 978-1-64041-055-8. $99.95 cover price, 11.5 x 12 inches...
Jasmine , 2024-02-13 00:00 Firstly, thank you to John Marrs for my signed copy (won in a instagram giveaway)。 Secondly。 OH MY GOD。 Part 1, did NOT see the twist coming。 Part 2, SO TENSE。 Part 3, unbelievable。 Absolutely loved this book, read within 5 hours, could NOT pu...
Although it is pretty cool, I am only giving 4 stars because it can be quite hard to read the book the way that the words are placed on some pages。 The story is about the disconnection and hatred between the main character and his "people" and the rabbits。 They went to war with ...
想象这样一种情况,假设单核CPU板载了2块DDRAM,每块的大小是128MB, 2块DDRAM的地址不连续,其中一个从0x20000000开始,另一个从0x40000000开始. 这种情况下,我们就必须用2个node来描述,每个Node下又有自己的Zones和Pages. Node1 |-- ZONE_DMA |-- Pages |-- ZONE_NORMAL |-- Pages |-- ZONE_HIGHMEM |--...