John 17:2 Meaning and Commentary John 17:2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh All men, in distinction from angels; and these as fallen, as weak, frail, sinful, and mortal creatures; men of every nation, Jew or Gentile, and of every character, elect or non-elect: not but ...
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(6) I have manifested (better, I manifested) thy name unto the men which thou gavest me (better, Thou hast given Me) out of the world.--This manifestation of the name of God is the making Him known as the only true God, and the glorifying Hi...
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 1:29-36 John saw Jesus coming to him, and pointed him out as the Lamb of God. The paschal lamb, in the shedding and sprinkling of its blood, the roasting and eating of its flesh, and all the other circumstances of the ordinance, represented the salvati...
PREVIOUSJohn 17:26NEXTJohn 18:2 John 18:1 Meaning and Commentary John 18:1 When Jesus had spoken these words Referring either to his discourses in (John 14:1-16:33) , in which he acquaints his disciples with his approaching death; comforts them under the sorrowful apprehension of his depa...
it may well be called a cave, and our life in it dream or death." Herbert Marcuse (Love Mystified; A Critique of Norman O. Brown, Commentary Magazine) "Actaeon; alien horns added to his forehead; the dogs that sated themselves in the blood of their own master; all for the sin of ...
Stories, Reviews and CommentaryTwitter Facebook Instagram My Top Ten Comics of 2020 It’s been a strange year, in many ways. And one such way is that it has upended how a lot of entertainment has been consumed. The most obvious change this year has been with film, where the ...
Moving on to the tenth anniversary issue, we findE.B. Whiterecalling the world ofThe New Yorker’sfirst days. Given the massive economic and societal shifts that occurred from 1925 to 1935, those first days seemed distant to White, who felt old, “not in years but events.” ...
Recorded in 1983 and released in January 1984, the song was a commentary on television overtaking radio’s popularity and how one would listen to radio in the past for a favorite comedy, drama, or science fiction programme. It also pertained to the advent of the music video and MTV, which...
John’s phrase is expressed from a human standpoint and has nothing to do with the preexistence of the third Person of the Godhead. The meaning is that the era of the Holy Spirit had not yet arrived; the Spirit was not as yet at work in a way he later would be because Jesus had ...
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 15:9-17 Those whom God loves as a Father, may despise the hatred of all the world. As the Father loved Christ, who was most worthy, so he loved his disciples, who were unworthy. All that love the Saviour should continue in their love to him, and ...