【题目】 Before Johann Gutenberge developed the printing press in 1436 , news traveled byword of mouth . T his meant that information was slow to reach the public and that details changed as news spread from one person tothe next . Rrinted matter , such as news papers , made it possible...
Johann Gutenberg- German printer who was the first in Europe to print using movable type and the first to use a press (1400-1468) Gutenberg,Johannes Gutenberg Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Focuses on printer Johann Gutenberg, an important figure of the fifteenth century. Biographical and career information in Germany, including his work in a printing shop; His development of a mechanical printing press with the financi...
Ⅱ。七选五Johann e sGutenber gwa schosen to b eth e mos tim-portan tfigur eo fth epas tmillennium by th emedia .You ma yno t b efamiliar with him.11 Gutenberg was prais e d fo rhavin ginvent e d th eprintin gpres san d there-for epreparin gth e wa yfo rprinting books...
the German goldsmith Gutenberg invented the printing press including ink, printing, a set of metal printing , at the same time, the first press of the West was established. 1448年,德国金匠古登堡发明了包括印刷机、油墨、金属活字在内的一整套印刷术,建立了西方第一个印刷所。 更多例句>> 4...
Moveable type and the printing press , taking its early and most famous form as gutenberg 's bible , liberated the word of god from the control of the priests . 可移动的字块和印刷机在早期最著名的代表是古登堡版《圣经》,它将上帝的文字从教士的控制中解放出来。 Before gutenberg showed up with...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Fiction: Fly like a Word ; in His First Novel Blake Morrison Tells the Story of a Man Whose Invention Changed the World: Johann Gutenberg, the Creator of "Artificial Writing" or Printing, Born in
The hair must have dropped onto the forme after it was inked and before the page was printed. It is therefore presumably a body hair, probably an eybrow hair, from one of the pressmen in Gutenberg's shop -- conceivably from the master himself. (2)...
FIRST EDITION of any part of theSumma theologica, and THE SECOND BOOK PRINTED IN STRASSBURG. Although there has been much discussion of the nature of Gutenberg's secret work when he lived in Strassburg in the 1430s and 1440s, there is no evidence that printing was introduced into the city...
The article focuses on Johann Gutenberg's invention of the mechanical printing press in Germany more than 560 years ago. His invention changed the way people got information, and it changed the world. The idea of a printing press is simple. Instead ...