Jin Air needed long to find synergy between their new players and after starting 1-9 they only recovered to 4-14 in the Spring Split which meant a 9th place finish and having to defend their spot in LCK at the promotion tournament. There they swept Teddy's former team E8W in round 1...
Edwin Ju Hyung JinEdwin Ju Hyung Jin姓名: Edwin Ju Hyung Jin 地区: 韩国 参赛次数: 3 WCA ID: 2012JINE01 性别: 男 参赛经历: 2012.02.11 - 2014.03.29 2024年度总结 个人最好成绩 项目地区排名洲际排名世界排名单次平均世界排名洲际排名地区排名金银铜复原/尝试 三阶 818 15559 42297 13.30 14...
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1.Relation between anemia and vulnerable coronary plaque components in patients with acute coronary syndrome: Virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound analysis and spring 机译:急性冠状动脉综合征患者贫血与脆弱冠状动脉斑块成分的关系:虚拟组织学-血管内超声分析 HongY.J. ,JeongM.H. ,ChoiY.H. - Journal...
Ju-SungSeo,Sang-SoakAhn,Jae-HyungChoi,Hyu-JinChoi DepartmentofNeurosurgery,Dong-AUniversityCollegeofMedicine,Busan,Korea Meningealmelanocytomaisararebenignmelanotictumorarisingfrommelanocyticcellsintheleptomeninges.Preope- rativedifferentialdiagnosisofmeningealmelanocytomafromothermelanotictumorsisdifficultbasedonmagnetic...